My name is Rachel Sharp
As The Chair Doctor, I reupholster and refurbish antique or vintage mid century chairs transforming them into statement accent pieces through a love of both modern and traditional upholstery. This can be by upholstering pieces I have sourced myself or through commissions.
I offer sales of finished upcycled, reupholstered, chairs but also offer a high quality reupholstering service for customer owned pieces as commissions.
My customers appreciate good quality and understand the value and time involved in the craft.

Recent Projects
The Egg Chair
From black ripped 1970s vinyl to wow factor with with Timorous Beasties linen fabric perfectly complimented by green velvet - a classic 1970s egg swivel chair transformed.
The Iron Back Chair
An antique Victorian iron back chair is a real family heirloom. Each layer is sewn over the iron frame, traditionally upholstered to last another 100 years and modernised by this gorgeous Liberty velvet.
The Rocking Chair
An antique rocking chair, reupholstered using traditional upholstery methods. Love this amazing quality Nina Campbell fabric which suits the tones of the wood so well.
The Parker Knoll
Parker Knoll little armchair - Original Parker Knoll - is an early model PK934 - covered in Linwood wave with just a touch of mauve piping.